Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Forgotten Bouncy Ball

When I was young I was amused by the simplest things at times but it seems almost every kid was. I mean seriously who would enjoy finger painting or jumping in a puddle aside from a kid? I guess I would still do both but if you look at me as an example of a adult you should look somewhere else. I enjoy Adventure Time too much for me to even consider myself a responsible adult. Well anyways as a kid I always enjoyed bouncy balls, I feel like I broke things with them but I honestly don't remember. What I do remember is I use to have transparent ones that had little Pokemon stuck in the middle of them and boy did I love Pokemon. I thought I was the biggest thing in Kindergarten because I had the biggest binder full of Pokemon cards, no one could touch me. Oh and my mom worked in the office so everyone knew me and that was cool too. Well anyways I use to play with those bouncy balls all the time
As you can see they seem pretty tiny right? Yup. I had two of them, one with a Squirtle and one with Pikachu. Either these bouncy balls didn't obey the laws of physics or I just didn't understand them as a kid, as I never admit mistakes we will go with the former. One day I was playing with them in my basement but that place was half bomb-shelter half actual basement. The room was about split half and half, right at the bottom of the steps you would make a left for the bomb shelter-type part or right for the actual basement. Now as soon as you turn left you will notice the entire area is packed with food, a fridge (with food!), different tools my Dad used but then, then there was the back of the bomb-shelter.

As a kid the back of the bomb-shelter was no man's land it was where the heater was along with random boxes of old things. I just didn't understand what exactly was back there and it was where I would always find crickets. I hated bugs as a kid. I always avoided walking back there as a kid because I had no reason to go back there and it was just creepy anyways. Though of course as a kid I had curiosity and I still wandered back there from time to time. I don't exactly remember why I walked down there that day but I did and I had my Squirtle bouncy ball with me and god damn was I bouncing that bad boy. I think it is safe to say I balled too hard that day as it was the day I lost my bouncy ball. I just remember it bounced behind boxes underneath a desk and was never to be seen again, I have gone back and looked a bit but boy that thing is gone forever. I was devastated. I loved bouncy balls. I loved Squirtle. Then I realized I still had other toys so I actually moved on quite fast.

I don't know why I remember losing that bouncy ball so clearly because it was something I did at a young age and got over almost instantly. As a kid I lost things like it was my job, I could not count all the times I went to my parents and said "I can't find ___" or "Where did you put ___" when in reality it was either in an obvious location or I was the one that lost it. It seems as me losing somethings is just something I have come to accept but never really understood why I lose the things I do. To this day I am still wondering where I dropped my pen or where I left my Temple ID at. Though I wish those were the biggest things I lost, as you grow up you start to lose bigger things and they start to have more of an affect of you. Yet out of all the things that I remember losing why do I remember this one? I just find it weird sometimes our brain latches onto something so insignificant in life and tells you it is a big deal when it really isn't.

 I have pretty much comes to terms that people lose things everyday whether it is a big thing or a small thing. I have lost items and people in my life and I will many more times before I am done here. Sometimes it is your fault, other times it isn't. Sometimes you lose a hand from a seal, sometimes someone just walks out on you. When you lose something I feel as though you aren't always meant to find it again, some things are meant to be lost. I mean could you imagine if I stayed in my basement all these years trying to find that ball? Buster could of been depressed about losing his hand but what does he do? He gets a bad-ass hook to replace it. Everything you lose can't directly be replaced but you will always find something better. It might take sometime for you to get over losing something but eventually you question why you ever cared why you lost that thing and hopefully not freak out on family when they joke about it. While losing something can be very frustrating, just remember all the things you still have. "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." - Mark Twain 

The past can be a comfortable place but don't get stuck in it.
"The flow of time is always cruel... Its speed seems different for each person, but no one can change it... A thing that does not change with time is a memory of younger days."-Sheik

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