Sunday, May 12, 2013

Why are you squeezing me with your body?

So my brother got my Mom flowers so  I guess this means I am obliged to write a blog post about how much I appreciate her now right? Either way every year my Mom gets the double of her birthday on May 10th then Mother's Day, which is good and bad. It must be nice to have your birthday so close to Mother's day but the negative? Well people like me will only give you one gift because that is how cheap people get by.

Either way I still don't understand how my Mom put up with me for 19 years, I guess I am lucky I have a patient Mother who cares about me. Just to be nice she usually denies it but everyone knows I was a little shit as a kid. She was always involved in my life considering she worked at my grade school then worked at my high school, I mean I know I was the best child and she likes me better than Tom and Frank but she did a bad job at hiding it from them. We all know the reason they stopped having children after me is because I am perfect but anyways I am getting off-topic. Though in all seriousness my parents knew how to raise us and taught us lessons that sadly not everyone has been taught and that all comes down to my Mom. As she was the one who was always home as my Dad could be gone for long hours or even days due to his job. Now that I am getting older I am facing different challenges than just getting an A on a test and she always has stood beside me. She always showed it with her random Hallmark cards she would leave me or little motivational books and while they are cheesy it is still nice to know someone cares. Even though as a teenager I didn't always want her help she would still be there for me. It was almost impossible to hide from her when I was feeling down, I guess a mother really does have her instincts. The earlier part of the year had been hard for me but she was always there for me helping me get through a tiny rough patch. Now we have become closer over the past few years, this year she has already gotten me to run two 5Ks with her and a few others from my family and it has been a lot of fun.

Today (Mother's Day) marked the second 5K we have done this year and my mother reached her goal of doing it in less than 35 minutes, it was nice to see knowing all the hard work she had put into reaching her goals. Granted it is a simple goal but seeing it will always give encouragement to others reaching their goals. I hope she enjoyed the day as much as I did. You are the best mother I could ask for and I love you.

Okay my feelings are getting all over the internet and I better stop. I will leave you with a much more epic picture. It is a shout-out to my grandmom who is just an overall badass straight out of South Philly. I mean just look at the picture below you, how is that not badass?

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