Thursday, May 23, 2013

College had half a day.

What am I doing home already? "Time flies" is a bit of an understatement when you talk about my freshmen year of college. I remember orientation, move in and freshmen week all like it was yesterday. Awkwardly meeting people on my floor who would shape to become some of the best friends I have ever made. My freshmen year was full of some great memories, some of which I probably shouldn't post on the internet. (No, nothing bad mom, it is clearly soda) ... I feel like I had to include that because she is one of the five people who will read this...

I lived in the dorm Hardwick which was connected to Johnson which had a cafeteria at the bottom of it which has an actual name but I don't know anyone that called it anything other than J&H. I think the best part of finishing freshmen year is knowing I will probably never have to eat at J&H again. Hardwick Hall was a traditional style dorm with a communal bathroom. Once you get past the human feces, piss and puke on the bathroom floor it is really a great environment, I still cannot get passed what would posses ANY human being to take a poop on the floor, even if they are intoxicated or on drugs. I am not the most out-going person in the world at first but it really didn't matter because I would leave my door open and people would just come in and introduce themselves. Generally first conversations where the awkward "What classes do you have?" or "Where are you from?" but I think the king of awkward was conversations was my RA who no matter what you said to him would always respond "Hey! How are you doing?". He would say that even if you asked him how his day was first. Either way those conversations started to die as we started to become closer friends. One thing I regret was sticking to myself in the beginning, as groups were forming around me but I was kind of hanging back a bit and not doing much. I was still friendly with everyone on my floor but it took a bit for the friendships to really take off. It took a few months until I met and actually became good friends with the kids who I spent the entire year with.

Is it a bit ironic that the hurricane that destroyed half of my home state was the day that I became good friends with the people I hangout with today? Or do I still fail to grasp the true idea of irony? Anyway. We were locked in our dorms so we brought my TV down to the lobby along with GameCube and played Super Smash Brothers for an insane amount of hours. This resulted in many more hours of playing that game in my room for the next few months. Mario was my character. Why you would think any other character is cooler is beyond me... I generally pick him for every game I get the chance, Mario Party, Mario Kart, you name it.

Either way I had an amazing time at college as I loved where I was at Temple and who I was there with. As the semester grew to a close, I was ready to get going though. I probably missed more work than I should have despite always leaving notes about what is due. At the end all everyone was doing was studying for exams so there wasn't much going on and the night-life of crappy parties at another frat house were getting duller than I can explain. I was ready to go home after a tough semester to see friends and family who I had not seen in forever and be in a familiar place. Almost all of my friends and I got home just about the same week so of course first thing is first. Denny's trip. As always it was great to see all my old friend's at the diner we abused while we were home. The next day I went out to The Wonder Year's pop-up shop and hung-out with Mike Kennedy (Drummer) and Josh Martin (Bassist) from the band and it was a great time. I personally loved Mike's personality, they are all awesome dudes but Mike just brings that extra energy that makes every conversation you have with him a memorable one.

It has been a little over a week now since I have been home and it really has been treating me well so far. I finally have had free time to do different things I had been planning on doing such as running, reading and writing without having school work to finish at the end of the day. I have seen my old friends but more importantly I have made new friends. Right now I feel like I have a perfect mix of the old and the new in my life. The new isn't just coming from college friends either, I am becoming good friends with people who have lived close to me all my life but I never took time to get to know them. I find it a shame I never did it before but better late then never I guess right? I also officially got the job working security at Revel Entertainment in Atlantic City and even though the 11pm-7am shift is going to kill me, I am more than excited to start working. Either way I am in a position to have a better summer than I did last summer and I am excited to see how everything plays out and where I will be in at the end of it. I know right now I love being home but don't worry, give it a few weeks and there will be a blog post about how much I want to go back to Temple.

So last few times I posted a song or a band I recommend so I figured why not switch it up a bit. Right now I am reading Looking For Alaska by John Green for the second time. It is a great read and I recommend it to anyone. I am just about done but I find it funny how it still plays with my emotions despite me already knowing the ending and what is going to happen. It is probably like $10 on or even cheaper at Barnes and Noble. I hope you check it out and let me know your opinions of it! I am sure most of you have already read it though as it was published in 2005.

My bad on taking so long between posts but between exams, moving back home, seeing friends and other things I haven't had time to sit down and write this blog. Though I am sure many of you didn't lose sleep over it.

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