Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A job?

This past Sunday marked the last day of me working at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia or for the summer at least. I started working there back in June of last year and it has really been a great experience for me and a very enjoyable one. History has been a subject I have always enjoyed, some of my friends know that more than others. I learned a lot of things there but not just about the Constitution or our founding fathers but it was a good real world experience. Granted I was a volunteer for most of my time there but I still was in an environment where the best was expected from me in whatever I was asked to do. I had a boss who luckily was enjoyable to work under but he still expected things to be done without a problem. I am happy I ended up working there rather than the usual jobs teenagers have such as working at Target or being a delivery boy. I made plenty of good friends by working here and they were all different in their own way. There were workers who were still in high school, others in graduate college and others who were retired and doing this for personal pleasure. I gained a lot of knowledge from working with the people I did, not just about history but about life and how to handle different things. They would tell me of their experiences as many of my friends were much older than I. I will still see most of them during the NCC softball games and hopefully we all stay in touch. I also loved meeting certain guests that came to visit, I mainly enjoyed foreigners but I am sure they hated me considering all I would do is talk about soccer. I remember one German family I met was on a time schedule but I delayed them a few minutes because we got caught up talking about soccer.
Now we got nice things out of the way time for the course of my general day. It would usually start off by me talking to the man to your left because no one was actually in the museum. Though as the day went on people came in and then the real conversations were sparked by the interesting questions such as "Where is the bathroom?" or "Where is the exit?" Both questions never ceased to amuse/annoy me considering there was signs pointing to both of those things. Now I was always polite but here, on the internet, I can talk smack and no one will know and it is great. I actually think my favorite part would be when I do my job and tell people no photography and then they start arguing or complaining to me. Like shit I didn't make the rules but maybe if you keep acting like that to someone who is just doing their job things might change. People just suck and it is all too prevalent if you put yourself out in the world. Most of you already knew that though.

I have to say though the area around my work was always really nice, a bit too touristy for it to be my favorite but still nice nevertheless. Above is a picture from the Grand Overlook of the NCC, which is a very nice view to have everyday. During the summer I would generally walk down Market to grab some food during my break as it was always nice out and just sitting in those grass areas on a bench is always relaxing. Just working in Independence Hall area has its perks. If anyone has any opportunity to work here or somewhere close by I would recommend it.

The reason I am leaving is because over the summer I will be working at Revel in Atlantic City as a security guard. I am pretty excited for this job despite the fact that I will be dealing with drunks and the hours will go until 2-3AM. Either way it will be interesting to be on the side that has to deal with drunks. People who go to bars and get drunk and act out probably don't take into consideration the people that will have to deal with them. Granted I already know i won't be "that guy" when I am 21 but still interesting to experience the other side that most people don't get to.

This summer is going to be a completely different one than last years and I am pretty excited about it all. It is pretty funny how much life changes in a year isn't it? No one expects it to but it always does, sometimes for the better but sometimes for the worse but it is all about how you look at it and how you deal with it. When one door closes, another opens or something. In reality you could just open whatever door you want because that is how doors work. Anyways all my friends went off and did who knows what at college but a trip to Denny's with all of them has been long overdue. I am excited to be home finally and sleep in my own bed, hopefully my family throws me a party. Though, I am sure in a few weeks I will be saying how I miss living at college.

I figured I could again include music at the end of my posts just like I did last time. This song is by Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! and it is from their new album "Pardon My French". Their type of music isn't high on my list as I am not huge on scream-o type music, especially this much, but their songs are just so catchy to me. They are from France so sometimes their lyrics are a bit weird. It seems they just use Google translator but either way I love it. Eventually I will go back and post all my favorite music but there is a lot coming out right now so I will try and stay up-to-date with it all!

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