Sunday, June 2, 2013

I don't read thick books.

So I just got around to reading John Green's latest book The Fault In Our Stars and yet again he delivers with an amazing book that is up there next to Looking For Alaska. The book came out in 2012 so it is still fairly new but I 100% recommend this book to anyone. It is a book full of great characters, situations and quotes. There are a lot of quotes that I pick out from his novels but  I think this is the one that stuck out to me the most.

"The marks humans leave are too often scars."

Too me it was powerful because how many times do people come into our lives and try to make a difference, to try and make your life better but end up leaving you with a scar. What it really comes down to is that generally people enter  your lives for personal gain, and who can really judge them? Everyone wants to be happy. Though sometimes people forget that they are actually dealing with human beings. I am sure I left my scars on people by accident but I have learned from my mistakes and improved, it seems no one else wants to do that.

The easiest way to see this is in relationships. Generally it seems people want to get into them so they have someone, rather than to actually be with that specific person. I get it, I see why people would do that but don't you think that is unfair to that person? What about when you get bored or meet someone new? It is bound to happen. When I see the person I like all I want to do is do things for that person at my own expense. I don't expect things from that person because they aren't there to do things for me. When you get into something for yourself, you are bound to leave someone with a scar. Like I said I have done it before but if you are going to get involved deeply in someone's life, do it for the right reasons. Though with this, people shouldn't freak out when they are hurt by someone, people make mistakes. Another great quote from the book explains it quite perfectly “You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.” 
Sometimes I feel extremely cheesy writing posts like this but shit, some people still go about this daily. I really doubt this will get to the eyes of more than 20 people at max nor will it change anything. I just need to get material from somewhere don't I?

This book was phenomenal, just like Looking For Alaska was and I encourage everyone to buy it. There is a lot of great quotes and meaning you can take out of this book. I picked my copy up at Barnes & Noble for like $15, it would of been $10 but I got the collectors edition. Who knew I could read?

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