Thursday, July 18, 2013

Don't Forget Your Handkerchief!

“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” 

That is the opening line to one of the best books I have read which features an adventure of epic proportions. I finished reading The Hobbit a few weeks ago and ever since then I have been itching to go out and see the world. Having a 40 hour work week makes things a bit difficult. Though I can only dream of my adventures featuring elves, giant spiders and a man that can turn into a bear. I know I will never have tales that are as great as Bilbo's. I still want a story of my own.

My mind can tend to be the classic "you want what you don't have" as early summer I was not working, yet with my free time I didn't do much. I could of easily gone out to see places but instead I stayed in good old Dicktown, NJ. Now it is July 18th and I really want to get out. Since I started working I feel like I don't have as much free time as I would like during the week. I actually have less free time during the summer than I did during the semester. I expected my care-free summers were coming to an end when this summer rolled around as I was in college and there are bills to pay. Not really much of a complaint as I get it is a part of growing up but to me you shouldn't lose yourself to time. As you grow up you don't have to stop doing your hobbies because you are kept up in your job.

I have always taken an interest in traveling and seeing the world. It is something I have always wanted to do but I am obviously 19. My time will come eventually where I can visit London, Dublin, Munich, Barcelona, Berlin, Amsterdam and many more famous cities. I am still optimistic those goals will come true and not get put on the back burner forever. I clearly don't have the means or the money to do it just yet but like I said I am only 19. Though still I can't help but feel I can at least make the most of what I have. When you think about it, not only is the United States a country of many cultures and many environments, the East Coast is too. I mean what is to stop me from going out to Pennsylvania and checking out the Appalachian Mountains or any other state they run though. Why not take a road trip south to Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia? I am here so why not take advantage of it? I hope to get out somewhere soon. I really want to see everything and do everything. I love South Jersey and Philly area and I will always live here but there is much more to the world. There are people to meet, places to see and things to do. I feel like a hopeful teenage but screw me for having hopes right? I think my top goal would be to live in London for a year or so. That would give me an excuse to have a British accent right?

Well I just wanted a short rant about how I want to see stuff. My basement is getting a bit boring. I encourage everyone to go out and see the world to. I am sure you won't regret it.

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